Two things can be true regarding the ACC’s settlement this week of the crippling lawsuits brought by Florida State and Clemson: the resolution provides long-desired security and solidarity for a conference that looked to be ripped apart by those schools’ saber rattling … and it also provides a blueprint detailing how college sports could be ripped apart.
In settling the suits, the ACC rather dramatically stratified itself. There are clear dividing lines not unlike society itself (upper, middle and lower class). Without disrespecting anyone, we’ll leave it to the reader to figure out those classes. Just understand this is what Florida State and Clemson wanted — recognition that they are bigger brands and have more invested in football than other member schools.
That’s not necessarily a bad thing. One, that economic recognition kept the conference together. Also, it’s been done before. In realignment, the Big 12 and Big Ten welcomed new members who agreed to take fractions of a full share to join. The ACC itself took SMU when the school agreed to take no media rights revenue for nine years. Stanford and Cal took 30% shares to be able to play major college football when the Pac-12 fell apart.
In fact, the Pac-12 broke apart, in part, because everyone was receiving equal shares. (Well, that and the doomed Pac-12 Network and league president asleep at the wheel.) Ask USC and UCLA, which simmered for years over that fact.
So what’s the big deal in the ACC? If it wasn’t already, now the conference has established itself as the clear No. 3 among the Power Four. Any arrangement that keeps the league out of court is a win.
Going forward, 40% of ACC revenue will be distributed between the 14 legacy schools and 60% will be set aside for winning bonuses and those high-achievers in TV ratings.
But look deeper. There is disparity in what is a significant reorganization of revenue. While schools achieving bonuses by winning championships could earn $30 million more in a given year, others will get $7 million less.
Every school in the conference walked into this agreement with their eyes wide open. What they didn’t see (or admit) is a troubling future – a different future in a parallel universe.
It is a universe in which only a portion of the 134 FBS schools survive to call themselves FBS schools. A new ecosystem of