Despite dedicating his life to bodybuilding and fitness, Arnold Schwarzenegger suffered from heart issues. During his prime, the bodybuilding icon won seven Mr. Olympia and five Mr. Universe titles. While he took steroids during his competitive bodybuilding days, he did so under supervision. However, his heart condition can be attributed to genetics, and since 1997, he has had three heart surgeries.
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Despite undergoing three surgeries, the former Mr. Olympia holds himself to a high standard of fitness. The 76-year-old is active and regularly goes to Gold’s Gym. Additionally, he returned to acting earlier this year. The bodybuilding legend explained why he pursued fitness at 76 and pledged to support his “village” members.
How Arnold Schwarzenegger regained his fitness levels
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In Arnold’s Pump Club’s Monday Motivation segment, the Terminator actor wrote about something many of his newsletter subscribers have written about. “I have heard from a lot of you that you think you’re too injured or too old to start training,” Arnie wrote. However, he assured his readers that it’s never too late to start working towards improving one’s fitness levels.
Despite the challenges, “What matters is that you start,” said the 76-year-old. Schwarzenegger led by example and shared a video only his app testers have seen. Schwarzenegger provided a link to his unlisted YouTube video, which showed clips from his heart surgery recovery. However, it wasn’t from his first, but this third surgery.
Despite undergoing three heart surgeries, Schwarzenegger refused to give up on fitness. The 76-year-old said his first step toward regaining his fitness was walking with the help of a walker. “I don’t love seeing myself with the walker. But I want you to know that even if you think you’re too old, too out of shape, or too unhealthy, we all have times when we have to start from nothing,” he wrote in his newsletter.
Schwarzenegger pledged to help his newsletter subscribers with all the tips and information he could find. However, something else made Schwarzenegger’s recovery even more impressive.
Filming Terminator: Dark Fate
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In 2018, Arnold Schwarzenegger had a pulmonary valve re-operation. In 1997, Arnie got his first valve replacement. While an organic valve allowed him to continue functioning at full capacity, by 2018, it wore out. Hence, he needed to get the valve replaced again. However, shortly after the surgery, Schwarzenegger had to start filming.
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Arnie was determined to get back in shape because he had to film Terminator: Dark Fate. Hence, while the 76-year-old started with a walker, he soon went back to the gym and gradually failed his training. When filming began, he was back in shape. A year later, in 2020, Arnie had his third surgery to replace an aortic valve. Again, he recovered and has returned to acting.
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Life will always present various challenges. However, according to the bodybuilding icon, one must have the will to begin, and the results will follow.